

Project Office

Address: ul. 1 Maja 13, V floor, room 512., 10-117 Olsztyn

The project office is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (it is possible to arrange a meeting at different hours)

Phone: +48 880-310-980

Email: integracjaadaptacja@workts.pl

Picture of the author

Work & Training Service Sp. z o.o.

Address: Sielec 1A 39-120 Sędziszów Małopolski

Website: www.workts.pl

Phone: 17 2226951

Email: biuro@workts.pl

Picture of the author

Polsko-Niemieckie Centrum Młodzieży Europejskiej Olsztyn- Partner

Address: 10-117 Olsztyn, ul. Okopowa 25

Website: www.pncm.olsztyn.pl

Phone: 89 534 07 80

E-mail: centrum@pncm.olsztyn.pl